By the Baga FX Team

This is an art game that mimics the growth of one’s soul through a series of three games. The first game is done through the archetype of color. One must have a color otherwise known as a fragrance. The second game is to optimize one’s chi. The third game is to merge a specific combination of subtle bodies. This emulates the real growth and transformation of the soul’s subtle bodies to a Master level. It does not matter the religion the art gamer has life experiences with. This is a metaphor using spiritual ideas found in ancient cosmologies around the world. The cosmologies studied are: Egyptian, Indian, and Chinese. The Art, itself, has precedent in the I-Ching.

Did you mint the Chi Oracle? Or did the Chi Oracle mint you?


Game One Soul Fragrances of the Chi Oracles - Release Date: soon

Game Two Chi Accumulation for your Chi Oracle NFT Release Date: TBD

Game Three Fully ensoul the Chi Oracle through subtle bodies NFT Release Date: TBD



Game One

journey into the metaphysical

Soul Fragrances of the Chi Oracles: 8,192

In this NFT game, there are a certain combination of items which could award the art gamer a ticket to the next level. Each of the NFT’s represents a certain type of fragrance for the Ether Oracles collection. All fragrances make the world go around. However, there are only a few very coherent fragrances or archetypes that will allow the art-gamer a chance at the second game. These special coherent fragrances are also known as the Auspicious Golden Ticket. If the art gamer thinks they have an Auspicious Golden Ticket, they need to present it to us for verification. If verified as an Auspicious Golden Ticket, then one will be able to utilize that NFT in exchange, for a chance at Game 2 for free.

This part of the game is based on the qualities of light. To be specific, the portion of the electro-magnetic spectrum that results in color or in other words, a unique personality. One might say there are a variety of archetypes of color such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The artist has created a system of color archetypes for this art-game. While there are myriads of colors, the artist is looking for a specific purity of combinations that creates a set of 256 powerful archetypes for this game.

For more information and updates on launch dates, join us in the discord chat



Here are some examples of Chi Oracle NFTs that will be available in Game One.
Click on the images to make them bigger

sample Chi Oracle
sample Chi Oracle
sample Chi Oracle
sample Chi Oracle
sample Chi Oracle
sample Chi Oracle
sample Chi Oracle
sample Chi Oracle


Game Two


Chi Accumulation for your Chi Oracle: 7,168

In this NFT game, one needs to collect Chi. These Chi elements are: one Ning Jing (Protection), two Bao Hu (Tranquility), and three Ling Hun (Universal Soul). As there are three Chi elements there are one or two sub-game purchases, each leading to a certain amount of partial or optimal Chi that will allow the art gamer to the next and final game. Again, one is hoping to accumulate the maximum amount of all three Chi energies with a maximum amount of coherence. In this game, one can build the maximum amount of three Chi energies to acquire one of the Auspicious Golden Tickets created for Game 2. Like Game 1, obtaining an Auspicious Golden Ticket in Game 2 will allow participation in Game 3 for free. There are 512 NFTs that need to be paired correctly by initial purchase or secondarily, trade with other players. If Fate is with the art gamer, then there are 256 NFTs that are completely optimized and can be exchanged for a free chance for the initial Game 3 subgame without additional purchase or trade with other players.

Lao Tsu, in Verse 42 of the Tao Te Ching:

Tao produced the One
The One produced the two
The two produced the three
And the three produced the ten thousand things

The ten thousand things carry the yin and embrace the yang, and through the blending of the material force (ch’i) they achieve harmony.

The chi in the above verse is found throughout the universe. And when it is identified in material bodies, it is given distinct names: prenatal (from parents), nutritional (from nourishment), defensive (protective from disease), and pectoral (from the air we breathe). The chi types that are found in feng shui affects buildings and has five types. They are long (location), xue (foundation), sha (surroundings or environment), shui (water), and xiang (orientation) chi. When you combine these nine types along with the human thinking, feeling, and willing it affects the energy acquired and empowered during our spiritual development on earth.

For this art-game, the artist has developed a set of chi energies to be implemented in games two and three.

In the second game, the artist invented three types of chi. They are Ning Jing (protection), Bao Hu (tranquility), and Ling Hun (universal soul). As these are accumulated into a full set of three, the stronger one’s energy is to develop or nourish the soul’s subtle energy bodies to their fullest potential.

There is a fourth type of chi in this art-game, and it is a negative “sha” chi relating to the “poison arrows” of Feng Shui concepts. This chi is of the environment and is deleterious in effect upon bodies. This chi comes into play with the third game enabling missing subtle bodies to form in the Art.

This second part of the game is based on qualities of Chi and Chi has other names in other traditions such as ki, prana, mana, ka, pneuma, eckanar, baraka, sahala, jesod, mgebe, hasina, wakan / wakouda, oki, orenda, numia, archaeus, odic force, ether, and many more. Chi is believed to be a subtle yet vital force in Taoism and is thought to be inherent in all things. The unimpeded circulation of chi and a balance of its negative and positive forms in the body and are held to be essential to good health.

Lao Tsu, in Verse 42 of the Tao Te Ching: Tao produced the One The One produced the two The two produced the three And the three produced the ten thousand things

The ten thousand things carry the yin and embrace the yang, and through the blending of the material force (ch’i) they achieve harmony.

The Chi in the above verse is found throughout the universe. And when it is identified in material bodies, it is given distinct names: prenatal (from parents), nutritional (from nourishment), defensive (protective from disease), and pectoral (from the air we breathe). The Chi types that are found in feng shui affects buildings and has five types. They are long (location), xue (foundation), sha (surroundings or environment), shui (water), and xiang (orientation) chi. When you combine these nine types along with the human thinking, feeling, and willing, it affects the energy acquired and empowered during one’s spiritual development on earth. For this art-game, the artist has developed a set of three Chi energies, as described previously, to be implemented in Game 2.

Having all three Chi energies optimized with a coherent fragrance, the stronger one’s energy is to develop or nourish the soul’s subtle energy bodies to their fullest potential. And by the way, there is a fourth hidden type of Chi in this art-game, and it is a negative “sha” Chi relating to the “poison arrows” of Feng Shui concepts. This Chi is of the environment and is deleterious in its effect upon the subtle bodies. This Chi comes into play with the third game enabling missing subtle bodies to form in the Art.


Game Three

Fully ensoul the Chi Oracle through subtle bodies: 11,008


In this NFT game, the art gamer needs to acquire all levels of the Soul for the complete Ether Oracle at Master level. There are six sub-games to Game 3 and each game feeds into the next like the former ones played. Each of the five sub-games has its own set of Auspicious Golden Tickets to exchange for a free chance at a more advanced ensouled Ether Oracle. Game 3.1 has 96 Auspicious Golden Tickets, Game 3.2 has 80, Game 3.3 has 64 tickets, Game 3.4 has 48, Game 3.5, has 32 tickets for a chance at the final highest NFT Art of game 3.6. The Master Level NFT has 16 unique and coherent art pieces with full soul growth. Eventually these 16 can be turned into another game if this game goes over well with the art gamer community. Overall, there will be 240 Auspicious Golden Tickets for Game 3 and all its sub-games. There are certain relationships between the higher and lower soul beings. While in real life they act independently and join up in a variety of ways, there is a noted pattern of “as above so below” that truly exists between certain pairs of subtle bodies. The artist of this NFT art-game has simplified the formula. Each lower and higher soul beings that reflect one another are paired. The game here is to find the inverse of beings that are missing by initial purchase or secondarily, a trade with other players to make all the levels of the sub-game Ether Oracle whole, or in other words, have acquired the Master level state. In one method, the art-gamer will need to acquire two NFTs that when paired and if coherent enough, completely ensoul their Ether Oracle at the specific sub-games 3.1-3.5. This creates the final set of 32 Auspicious Golden Tickets to play the last game 3.6 for the penultimate, rarest, and fully ensouled 16 Ether Oracles available over all the three games. Both Egyptian and Indian Systems seem to be related to the concept of the chakras. “Chakra” is an Indian term that literally means wheel, the wheel of dharma, there are even micro-chakras, some say number 72,000 within the body. In the ancient Egyptian cosmology, there are nine parts to the soul, in the Buddhist tradition there are five, in the Hindu tradition there are six or seven. The Buddaha spoke of freedom from the cycles in and of themselves, whether karmic, reincarnative, liberative, cognitive, or emotional. Some think that these are psychospiritual energy centers. For this art-game, the artist has blended Egyptian terms of the soul along with not very well-known earth and transpersonal chakras from the Indian tradition. They are all reflective of one another if one centers on the heart position known as the “Anahata” in Indian or the “Ab” in Egyptian. Below are the names of the subtle bodies of the soul that have been developed for the art-game with a short-hand set of characteristics (from lowest and in the earth to the highest above the crown of the head):

  1. Dhara (Indian):the deep earth, the heart of the earth, the water of the earth, paired with Q13. Bindu (Indian) a drop or a point, the point of manifestation of our entire physical body and point of its dissipation, the point where the energy flowing through the body meets, that which radiates brightness that illuminates the entire space, the source of all creation.
  2. Vasudhaa Indian) the earth, Giver of Wealth, paired with Q12. Sahasrara (Indian) the soul as a Perfect Being, the seat of liberation for enlightened beings, the super consciousness union of the ego with the divine self, the point at which the soul dissolves ego consciousness,
  3. Paadah (Indian) the earth upon which the foot rests, paired with Q11 Guru (Indian) the principle for the development of consciousness that leads the creation from unreality to reality, from darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge, manifesting and revealing itself on earth as a divine incarnation or a spiritual Master,
  4. Khat (Egyptian Body 1): DNA, mineral kingdom, and function thereof, Q10. Paired with Sahu (Egyptian Body 9) the divine Christed-Self, the first spiritual envelope, the exalted immortal state within Higher Heaven,
  5. Khabit (Egyptian Body 2): one’s temperament, the architect of the physical, carries charge, the shadow body double, paired with Q9. Akhu (Egyptian Body 8) created from “Words of Power”, built from conscious invocation, unites with the hierarchies of Masters, Archangels, etc., the luminous body of resurrection,
  6. Ka (Egyptian Body 3) one’s passion, also found in the animal kingdom, the physical body double, emulating that form through mind and emotion, aura, and magnetic power,
  7. Ren (Egyptian Body 7, will center) the identifying name, the personal individuality, the vital power of the spiritual bodies, registers spiritual onto the physical-emotional bodies, identifying and moving towards spiritual ecstasy,
  8. Ba (Egyptian Body 4) one’s consciousness, the heart, the Eye of the Lion in the lower mind, where the lower mind meets the heart mind and the astral, the center of thoughts and feelings exchange,
  9. Sekhem (Egyptian Body 6) the “Shadow”, the Rectifyor of emotion, the Guardian or protection of balance of the nine-fold existence, the symbol of power which transmits the orders of reason to the volitive (will) center.
  10. Temou (Egyptian for Body) the human body that must be mentioned here, Q7. Ab (Egyptian Body 5) the “I”, the soul of the heart assisting the Ka in evolution, having memory, and feeling of the past and present, by means of which the evolutionary current manifests itself, Q0-7. Ra-Tm (Egyptian Name of God) or God of All Life, This is the penultimate merging of the Subtle bodies and lifts you to the next world.

The Subtle Bodies in paired order list layout for a quick reference for this art-game:
* Subtle Bodies (1-13) Dhara-Bindu
* Subtle Bodies (2-12) Vasudhas-Sahasrara
* Subtle Bodies (3-11) Paadah-Guru
* Subtle Bodies (4-10) Khat-Sahu
* Subtle Bodies (5-9) Khabit-Akhu
* Subtle Bodies (6-8) Ka-Ren—Ba-Sekhem
* Subtle Bodies (0-7-0) Temou-Ab-Ra Tm

Eventually, we, here at BaGuaFX, will create another game that will allow you to trade in this NFT in for an additional element, a sound fragrance for the Oracle to sing. This will be either a chord of notes or a pure note to bring further energy to your hard-won Chi Oracle. We hope you enjoy the art-game with psycho-spiritual concepts to assist in your own spiritual growth.

The Bagua FX Team